Jan 23, 2016 | accessories, doll clothes, miniature furnishings
I’ve set up Aurora Rose’s room on top of a dresser in my dining room, and that makes it easier to start seeing how things look all together. I’ve finished up a few items of clothing for her, finally–enough to start filling her hangers, and get her some lounging wear and underwear. Now for some outfits! I think she’s going to need a laundry basket soon, and that would make a good quick and easy project for the site, so I’ll do that soon.
Dec 29, 2015 | accessories, doll clothes
I’m finally getting around to making some clothes for Aurora Rose. I need to get something on those clothes hangers in her armoire! During the holidays I carved out some playtime for me, and I’m sewing a few outfits for her this week, and now she has a warm winter nightgown as well as summer jammies.
Plus, she now has a knitting basket, so she can whip up a sweater while I’m busy elsewhere and not looking….