3-bjd-polymer-clayThe month of May has been a very busy one! In addition to building websites for clients and starting to fill in some pages here on this site, I’m finishing up the 11 part video and 25 pg .pdf tutorials on how I make ball joint dolls like Lulabelle, Roberta Lee and Aurora Rose.

These are available exclusively through the Polymer Clay Adventure.I’ve got videos to shoot for more dolls, and doll accessories, including mermaids, faeries, and a some women of the Wild West (she’s a larger doll like Aurora Rose and up next).I just HAPPEN to have a complete wardrobe of patterns for her that I drafted for cloth dolls way back when, that will be very easy to adapt.

Pattern drafting for dolls is the subject of a future tutorial as well. I am very grateful for the hours my mother and grandmother spent teaching me to sew, crochet and embroder, and for the years in college learning costume design and construction, wig making and millinery arts, makeup and more.

So far the dolls have been between 6 and 13 inches. I’m enjoying making them very much, and look forward to creating little wardrobes and environments for them; rooms and dressing room/cases….with lots of accessories!

Click here to visit Polymer Clay Adventure where you can have fun with creative projects by 22 great polymer clay instructors–including me.

Here is a peek at the opening sequence and a list of what is needed to make a ball joint doll with polymer clay along with me!
