Jan 23, 2016 | accessories, doll clothes, miniature furnishings
I’ve set up Aurora Rose’s room on top of a dresser in my dining room, and that makes it easier to start seeing how things look all together. I’ve finished up a few items of clothing for her, finally–enough to start filling her hangers, and get her some lounging wear and underwear. Now for some outfits! I think she’s going to need a laundry basket soon, and that would make a good quick and easy project for the site, so I’ll do that soon.
Jan 11, 2016 | accessories, miniature furnishings, polymer clay
I finished a few little things for Aurora Rose. Now she’s got a tray with bottles of lotion, shampoo, some perfumes, a powder puff, comb and brush set (those and the tray are made with polymer clay–the rest are beads.)
The labels are transfers made with liquid polymer clay.
I glued things right onto the tray, so that they don’t fall down every time someone walks past.
I think they will eventually go in her trunk, but for now her shelves need somethings on them, and I have not had time to finish her books or even think about starting a tea set.
There’s been a lot going on, but I’ll be sure to find more time for Aurora Rose and her room.
I’ve got big plans for her little things!

Dec 29, 2015 | accessories, doll clothes
I’m finally getting around to making some clothes for Aurora Rose. I need to get something on those clothes hangers in her armoire! During the holidays I carved out some playtime for me, and I’m sewing a few outfits for her this week, and now she has a warm winter nightgown as well as summer jammies.
Plus, she now has a knitting basket, so she can whip up a sweater while I’m busy elsewhere and not looking….
Dec 15, 2015 | accessories, beads, miniature furnishings
I’ve been working on a set of furniture for Aurora Rose for several years, but large scale life keeps intruding. In my effort to finish up projects that have been hanging around the workbench, I’ve finished her trunk and some toiletries.
She has a bed, an armoire, and her table just needs a final sanding and some paint. I’ve even gotten some clothes cut out and started for her, and am half way done with some potted plants, and of course, several more books.They are done with liquid polymer clay transfers over white and gold polymer.
I’m aiming at being able to set it all up and see it together for the first time by the end of the year. Let’s see if I make my goal!
Aug 30, 2015 | ball joint dolls
I finished up the how- to video for the Polymer Clay Adventure, and had some spare pieces–a head and torso. So, I made the rest of the pieces, found a few GREAT shortcuts/improvements along the way that I’ll be talking about in chat with the students who take this class, and put together another 9 inch doll. Her name is Angelique, so says my sister. I also made a teeny little version who is about 3 inches tall. She’s destined to be a baby doll in Aurora Rose’s doll collection–yes, my doll needs a doll collection. At least a few….a bjd, a rag doll, some polymer tinies, some paper dolls, and a teddy bear, I think. It’ll all come together eventually, but for now, I’m glad to be finished with the video. It will be made available mid September, and if you would like to join us, please do click here to visit Polymer Clay Adventure.
I’ve also put together an Amazon a-store that has tools, books, and supplies like varathane, elastic, fabritac glue and more gathered together for those needing a source of supplies. I still prefer to get my Kato Polyclay, both solid and liquid, from Donna Kato’s Prairie Craft company.